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Take this Skin Care Myths vs Fact Quiz

by | Sep 13, 2020 | > Natural Skin Care, Uncategorized | 0 comments

Are your skin care decisions being guided by facts or myths? Common sense skin care may not be as easy as many people think. We are surrounded by marketing hype and skin care myths that can mislead our well-intentioned pursuit of healthy, beautiful skin. See if you can distinguish between fact and myth by taking our skin care quiz.


1.  What is the best product for preventing wrinkles?

a) Topical treatments containing retinoic acid (Retin-A)
b) Sunscreen
c) Over the counter creams


2. What is the best way to keep your skin clean?

a) Regular soap
b) Antibacterial soap
c)Consistent hand-washing


3. What foods cause oily skin and acne?

a) Chocolate
b) Oily foods
c) None


4. What kind of tanning practice is not dangerous?

a) Excessive amount of time in sun
b) Light, gradual exposure to the sun
c) Tanning booths that filter out UVB rays


5. What is the best SPF amount in sunscreen to protect skin?

a) At least 30
b) 10
c) It depends how long and at what time sun exposure occurs


6. What vitamin can make scars fade?

a) C
b) E
c) None



Check your answers with those below to see if you passed our skin care myths quiz.

  1. If you answered (b) Sunscreen you are correct! According to Harvard Health Publishing the best way to prevent wrinkles is to use sunscreen and not smoke.
  2. Regular soap (a) is the best way to keep your skin clean. Daily use of antibacterial soap may lead to antibiotic resistant bacteria. Consistent hand washing helps prevent the spread of infection.
  3. No identified foods create oily skin or acne, so the answer is (c) None. The skin creates and secretes sebum, an oily substance, on its own. There’s no evidence to indicate eating a specific food causes acne.
  4. Light, gradual exposure to the sun (b) is considered safe for your skin. Tanning booths are not safe. Even without UVB rays, your skin is still exposed to UVA rays that actually penetrate deeper into the skin possibly leading to premature aging and skin cancers.
  5. This one’s a bit tricky but most doctors recommend at least SPF 30 (a). If you are outside during peak daylight for more than two to three hours a higher SPF may be called for. So, if you answered (c) we will give it to you.
  6. You may be told by a well-meaning friend or advertiser that vitamin E reduces the appearance of a scar, but this claim is not backed by evidence. The answer is (c) None. If you need advice about a scar, consult a surgeon or dermatologist.


We hope you enjoyed the quiz! Stay alert to facts versus myths when deciding how best to protect and nourish your skin!  (photo: Madison Inouye | Pexels)

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