Halloween is around the corner and I’ve been hearing some scary skin care stories. Don’t try to trick your skin, treat it well and avoid mistakes as described in these tales.
Horrifying breakouts from heavy makeup
A friend’s teenage daughter left her Halloween makeup on all night and woke up with a shiny, red, bumpy face. Her mom created a scrub using two teaspoons of baking soda and one teaspoon of water to cleanse and exfoliate her daughter’s skin. Oily, heavy makeup left on the skinmixes with dead skincells to clog pores, trapping bacteriainside and causing acne. Halloween face makeup is usually oil-based, heavier and thicker than every day makeup so don’t get spooked by clogged pores. While makeup may be a safer alternative to wearing a Halloween mask, don’t forget to cleanse well when the witching hour comes.
Bacteria communities
Here’s a creepy, yet healthy discovery made by researchers at the National Human Genome Research Institute. Our skin is crawling with hundreds of kinds of bacteria in moist creases behind our ears and under our neck, to the webs of our toes, the navel and the fold between our eyes. Dry areas of the skin also contain bacteria, but it is less diverse. “Our results underscore that skin is home to vibrant communities of microbial life, which may significantly influence our health,” said researcher Elizabeth A. Grice. Another harmless, but unsettling reality is that microscopic mites graze on oils, skin cells and other microbes on our face.
Face mask mistakes
If you decide to apply a facial mask, make sure your young children are away or asleep. A friend covered her face with a green, organic facial mask to refresh her skin. When her two-year old son saw her, he screamed and ran away in fear of not knowing what had happened to his mother’s face. She had to wash off the expensive mask in order to calm him down.
Skin care products gone bad
After finding an old jar of moisturizer in her bathroom, a woman started using it again only to find her skin inflamed with sensations of burning and irritation. If you notice any change in your product’s texture, color, or smell throw it away. Sunscreen shelf life is about two years. Shampoo lasts for years if you keep the bottle closed. The same holds true for soaps if they remain in their packaging before use. Quality moisturizers and serums can last up to two years. Always apply with clean hands and fingers to avoid spreading infection.
Also, people who neglect or misread skin care product instructions risk skin hazards including discoloration or irritation. It’s always important to read the instructions on how to use all products properly. Harsh ingredients used incorrectly can result in multiple skin nightmares.
Dirty, yucky makeup brushes
Perhaps the most often committed skin sin is not cleaning your makeup brushes. Unwashed makeup brushes can become a breeding ground for dirt and bad bacteria that causes breakouts in the skin. Rashes, blisters, irritation, clogged pores and other skin ailments can occur when using dirty makeup brushes. A friend who admitted to not cleaning her brushes regularly, saw a small cyst forming on her face. She thought it would go away, but years later the bump remains on her face. Dirt also diminishes the performance of your brushes. What was once blending can appear as streaks making makeup application a hassle.
An unlikely culprit
A pillow case can serve as a great ghost costume or candy collector but while sleepingplacing your face directly on the pillow case causes friction on the skin which can lead to wrinkles and create forehead lines. Facedown sleepers may experience more skin breakouts. That’s because dirt and oil from the pillow and grease from your hair is in contact with the skin. Sleep on your back with your head elevated a bit. Flat sleepers may experience puffy eyes due to fluid buildup. Wash your sheets and pillow cases at least once a week to avoid impurities on your skin. Apply a hydrating body cream. Also, remember to apply a hydrating night cream on your face to moisturize your skin and support your body’s natural night time renewal processes.
Don’t be haunted by these scary skin care stories. Love your skin and these nightmares will turn into sweet dreams.