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Interview with Tayonon Gbala of “A Balanced You Holistic Massage Therapy”

by | Oct 18, 2015 | > Interviews, > Spa Treatments for skin, > Wellness-Well-Being | 0 comments

At YASOU natural skin care we believe that “Health = Happiness=Beauty.” To achieve this you need to look at your beauty regime in a big picture sort of way. That is why we are thrilled to have Tayonon Gbala of A Balanced You Holistic Massage Therapy spend some time with us to talk about what this all means!

YASOU: Hi Tayonon! I can’t tell you how excited I am to be speaking with you today on how “A Balanced You” connects to Health, Happiness and Beauty. Can you tell us about what A Balanced You means and why it’s important?

Tayonon: A Balanced you means to me bringing proportion, physical equilibrium and mental/emotional/ spiritual steadies to my clients through practicing the art of Holistic Massage Therapy. Cultivating balance is tremendously important because it translates to a longer health span and quality of life.

YASOU: What got you on the path to wellness and starting “A Balanced You “?

Tayonon: What got me on my path to wellness and starting A Balanced You was I was going through my own personal holistic health transformation. I researched finding the right personal trainer for me and made health and fitness my first priority. In the 3 years I’ve been in business I have maintained a fifty pound weight loss.

YASOU How long have you been a Massage Therapist and what is different about Holistic Massage Therapy from regular Massage?

Tayonon: I have been a Massage Therapist for 15 years. What’s different about Holistic Massage is having an open-minded perspective; training and learning more than just western style massage modalities. Learning for myself, applying and teaching my clients that massage therapy is one facet of the greater landscape of being well and whole. The focus is on proving the most effective combination of Massage, Breath and Asian bodywork. Incorporating YASOU hydrating body cream into my signature deep Swedish massage further deepens and empowers my clients’ wellness landscape.

YASOU: We all know how important exercise and eating the right food is for ones well being. Is what we apply on our skin part of a wellness regime?

Tayonon: Absolutely! What we apply to our skin is equally as important as what we eat. Optimal health and vitality comes from the inside out. The combination of exercise, eating healthy and applying nourishing YASOU natural skin care is the way to optimal health.

YASOU Does having healthy skin affect one’s mental health?

Tayonon: Yes! Health and vitally are shown through the skin, and when your skin is healthy and vibrant, it directly affects a positive mental self-perception and attitude.

YASOU: If you had one tip to help us get on a path to a more balanced lifestyle what would that be?

Tayonon: The best tips I can offer to help you kick-start your path to balance is to be curious and educate yourself. Ok that’s two tips but I think you need both.

YASOU: Tayonon thank you so very much for partnering with YASOU natural skin care and for chatting with us. We really appreciate it. Before letting you go can you please give us your info and mention a few of your services. I have tried you’re signature massage and your Thai Massage and love them!

Tayonon: I’m so glad you enjoyed My Signature Deep Swedish featuring your amazing YASOU Hydrating Body Cream, and the Thai massage. One of my favorite services I offer is called PR&R- Pause (Breathe) Relax (Stretch) Restore (meditate) it’s a session of Breath work, Zen-Shiatsu stretching and Meditation practice. The session provides my clients with the tools to create their own daily grounding and centering practice. This service acts as a foundation for building the framework of a balanced life.

Thank you so much YASOU Skin Care From A Balanced You.

FEEL, BE, & GROW For more info please visit my website at abalancedyoumassage.com

YASOU: It was really a pleasure. Remember Love Your Self, Love Your Skin. YASOU!

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